What is HPPD?

This term, HPPD, “Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder” explains a phenonmena that occurs in few individuals after using psychedelics, halluncinogic-like substances, or even plant medicine. Believe it or not, the same “symptoms” obsevered in this “disorder” also come in the form of another “disorder” called Visual Snow. The symptoms of people with visual snow are described as not coming from drug use. Yet, Visual Snow patients share identical symptons, and doctors who specialize in it (though far and few) often ignore or condem those who mention their symptoms being due to drug use. How cruel. I remember travelling far to a visual snow conference seeking help, only to hear the big man doctor start the confrence by announcing sternly how this conference was “NOT for people whose symptoms are from drug usage.”

Should you see a doctor about HPPD or Visual Snow? Possibly not. Why? Becuase in my experience, doctors will either just think you’re “crazy”, or perscribe you a drug to make you feel better. You might think the latter is great and that your problems will be fixed. Perscription drugs might make it seem like your vision is better, but that’s because HPPD is dynamic. When you are in a low energy state, your vision will be “worse,” and in a high energy state, it becomes “better.” A drug can make for a seemingly high energy state, so long as you consistently use the drug. That isn’t always the best choice. Drugs often solve problems by coveirng them up and saving them for later; when you don’t have the drug anymore. If only you realized how powerful YOU really are.

What might you want to do instead?

This website contains advice and information based on years of my first hand expereience, aimed at giving you the cleanest solution there is. The teachings here are to help you in the best way possible, not the easiest. The things you must do are not easy, but they will change your life. This website will tell you the truth about what helped me and continues to make me feel incredible and thankful for this blessing, which most unfortunately call a curse. I look forward to meeting you.